Alabama Medicaid Stories


Alabama Stories

Shirley helped others her whole life as a paramedic and a volunteer firefighter. But when the years of hard work took a toll on her body and she needed help, Medicaid was there for her.

When Nora was born with trisomy 13, a genetic condition that caused multiple medical issues, her family was told she only had a 10% chance of living past her first birthday. Now, thanks in part to the care she received through Medicaid, Nora is two years old. 

EmmaLynn was diagnosed with cerebral palsy when she was 15 months old. But because of Medicaid, she was able to get a surgery that has helped her begin to walk.

As the head social worker at a senior care center partially funded by Medicaid, Aleta sees first-hand the importance of the program, and what good health care can do for our elderly population.

When Elias was 10 months old, he was diagnosed with meningitis and given a 50/50 chance of survival. Thanks to an emergency airlift and care paid for by Medicaid, Elias is now a healthy toddler.

Jamie’s Medicaid meant she was able to get the treatments she needed to survive breast cancer. It also means she has been able to control her diabetes and stay at home instead of living at a nursing home.

In 2017, Donna was diagnosed with Stage III ovarian cancer. As the full-time caretaker for her mom, Donna is uninsured, and is doing her best to patch together charity care to make it.

Before Sandy applied for Medicaid, she had gone to the hospital 5 times in just one year. Since receiving Medicaid, she hasn’t returned to the hospital once, has her health conditions under control, and has been able to thrive at home instead of living at a nursing home.



Medicaid can change lives. How has it changed yours? Click here to tell us your story of how Medicaid has changed or could change your life.