
South Dakota Press Releases

April 15, 2024

Access to Medicaid Expansion Key to South Dakota’s Fight Against Cancer

To mark Medicaid Awareness Month, the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) is shining a bright light on what Medicaid expansion means for South Dakota families in the fight against cancer and how important it is to protect access to this lifesaving coverage by encouraging South Dakotans to vote no on Amendment F in November. The work-reporting requirements proposed in Amendment F will only block hard-working South Dakotans from accessing the health care needed to live happy, healthy lives. 

December 4, 2023

Unlike South Dakotans, Medicaid work reporting requirements simply do not work

A year ago, South Dakota voters initiated and overwhelmingly approved Amendment D, expanding Medicaid coverage to more than 50,000 residents who did not previously qualify.

A year ago, South Dakota voters initiated and overwhelmingly approved Amendment D, expanding Medicaid coverage to more than 50,000 residents who did not previously qualify.
Those folks fell into the coverage gap, with incomes above the state’s Medicaid eligibility level but also just barely above the poverty line, meaning they could not afford marketplace plans. What Medicaid expansion meant for people in the gap, in a practical sense, is that they no longer were forced to forego basic medical care to cover rent, food, childcare, or other basic needs.

September 14, 2022

Poll: Majority of South Dakotans Support Amendment D

SIOUX FALLS, SD—South Dakota voters strongly support Amendment D and expanding Medicaid, and an overwhelming majority want the legislature to act quickly to implement expansion if it passes, according to a new statewide poll.