

Leadership Summit and Lobby Day > Expenses


What expenses can be reimbursed?

ACS CAN will reimburse costs incurred in transit to/from the event including mileage ($0.14/mile); parking; meals up to $100 when meals are not otherwise provided as part of the event (no individual meal should cost more than $35 including tax and tip); baggage fees (one bag check each way); and ground transportation to/from airports (we ask participants to use public transport when able). We require receipts for most purchases including bag check fees and cannot accept a credit card statement as a receipt. All receipts must be itemized.  


Does ACS CAN reimburse for COVID tests?

ACS CAN will reimburse these costs to the extent that they are not covered by insurance. Participants may submit a receipt with their completed expense report.


What expenses cannot be reimbursed?

We cannot reimburse for alcohol; meal expenses over $100; gratuities over 20%; or ground transportation for dinner/activities during our free evenings. We cannot reimburse for souvenirs or supplies that are used during the normal course of a day. We do not reimburse for snacks/coffee/bottled beverages when alternative options have been provided as part of the event.


How do I submit my expenses for reimbursement?

All expenses must be submitted by Friday, October 14. Participants should electronically attach receipts and complete the expense documentation form and then send the form to [email protected]. All expenses must be itemized and supported with receipts. If you are missing a receipt, please complete a missing receipt form.

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