Terese: Atlanta, GA


TereseIn February 2014, Terese went into labor three months early. Otherwise healthy, Terese had preeclampsia, a serious pregnancy complication that can be fatal if not treated promptly. She was rushed to the hospital, where doctors had to quickly deliver her baby to save her and her son’s lives.

After the delivery, Terese was hospitalized for a week and her son Ty was admitted into the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) where he stayed for seven months. His lungs and heart were underdeveloped, and he had Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC), a severe intestinal disease.

Thankfully, both Terese and Ty had Medicaid health coverage. Medicaid provided Terese with prenatal care, covered her early delivery and hospitalization, and helped with rides to the hospital for her to hold Ty during his long stay.

Thanks to Medicaid, Ty was able to get all the care he needed to grow into the healthy boy he is today. “The strength behind Medicaid – I don’t underestimate it,” said Terese. “I don’t know what I’d do without the Georgia Medicaid program.”

Terese is now working full-time and has employer-sponsored health insurance. She’s glad that Medicaid was there when she needed it, and that her son was able get the health care coverage every child needs to thrive.


Medicaid Covers US

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