Jett: Fort Payne, AL


JettJett, now a toddler, was born with loringa melasia, a condition where the larynx tissue above the vocal cords is malformed and flaps over the airway opening, partially blocking it. For the first few months of his life, Jett’s parents had to make several long round trip drives to and from Birmingham to see specialists. 

Eventually Jett will outgrow his condition, but currently he has trouble breathing and is constantly congested. He is also very susceptible to illnesses and getting a cold, making his breathing much more difficult. 

Jett’s parents both work and while his mom is offered employer-sponsored health insurance, it would be completely unaffordable to cover the family. 

Fortunately, Jett and his two siblings are eligible for Medicaid. Medicaid has made it possible for Jett to get the medications he needs and to go to his doctor’s visits. “I really don’t know what we’d do if they didn’t have Medicaid,” said Jett’s mom, Haley. “I guess we’d just try our best. It’s kind of scary to think about.” 


Special thanks to Fort Payne Pediatrics for their partnership.

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