Jessica: Indian Trail, NC


Jessica's SonsJessica, 37, is the proud mother of Luis and Christian, her 7-year-old twins. Born premature at 31 weeks, the boys were in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) for 5 weeks before Jessica could finally take them home. 
Luis and Christian have high medical needs: both have autism and Luis has trouble eating because he experiences sensory issues. When the boys were younger, Jessica was told that neither would be able to participate in a typical classroom setting. They need multiple kinds of therapies, and six different doctors manage their ongoing health challenges.
Fortunately, Luis and Christian are covered by Medicaid. Medicaid allows them to get the therapies they need, provides Jessica with special food for Luis, and covers the necessary medications for both boys. Because of Medicaid, Luis said his first word when he was 4 years old. "Every week he learns to talk more and more," Jessica said. And at school, both of her boys are able to spend time in a typical classroom. 
"Medicaid has saved my boys' life. It covers everything they need. My kids are going to have a better future because of it."

Special thanks to NC Child for their partnership.

Medicaid Covers US

Visit our campaign home page to learn more about who is covered by Medicaid, why Medicaid is so important to our friends, neighbors, and community, and how to get involved.