Dr. Pais: Knoxville, TN


Dr. PaisDr. Pais is the director of the Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Clinic at East Tennessee Children’s Hospital. He cares for children, teens and young adults with blood disorders and blood cancers. 

About half of the patients Dr. Pais sees in his clinic have insurance through TennCare, the state’s Medicaid program. When he sees patients, which insurance they have doesn’t factor into his treatment plans for them. Treatment can range from outpatient to inpatient care and last for several months to several years. “TennCare affords patients the same dignity and quality care as private insurance and it ensures these patients can access their treatments and prescriptions,” Dr. Pais said. 

Sometimes, Dr. Pais sees children who are able to get the health care they need, but whose parents who are uninsured because Tennessee has yet to expand its TennCare Medicaid program. “It is wonderful that their children can receive treatment through TennCare Medicaid, Dr. Pais said. “But it is upsetting to see parents, the working poor, who are unable to access the care they need.”

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