Doris: Shawnee, KS


DorisDoris, 34, is a single mom of two children: 6-month-old Mary and 4-year-old Grace. To make ends meet, Doris works about 30 hours a week at a restaurant and relies on her mom to care for her kids when she is at work. 

Even though she works, Doris isn’t offered health insurance through her job. But she and her children are covered by Medicaid, which has been a lifesaver for Doris. She has a learning disability and multiple chronic health issues, including glaucoma which is causing her to go blind in one eye. Without access to health care coverage, Doris wouldn’t be able to get the medications she needs to go to work and care for her kids. “I probably wouldn’t be able to keep my job for long if I didn’t have access to insurance,” she told us. 

Medicaid Covers US

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