Nebraska Cancer Action Center


Latest Updates

August 8, 2024

Action Needed to Reduce the Burden of Cancer on Nebraskans  

March 25, 2024

 Statement from American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) Nebraska Government Relations Director Megan Word   LINCOLN, Neb . – “Late last week, the Nebraska Revenue Committee advanced a bill that fails to prioritize reducing Nebraska’s high tobacco burden. The Committee missed an opportunity to improve the health of Nebraskans

March 2, 2024

As the new Nebraska government relations director for the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, I was excited and proud to see Gov. Jim Pillen’s call for a significant increase in Nebraska’s cigarette tax. Data from the American Cancer Society is clear: Meaningful increases in cigarette taxes are one of

September 17, 2021

Lincoln, Neb. – Hundreds of lit bags decorated with the names of those who’ve fought cancer were displayed Friday evening at the Nebraska State Capitol to send a powerful message of hope and to remind Nebraska and national lawmakers on the importance of ensuring the fight against cancer remains a

State Contacts

Holly Kaffenberger
Nebraska Grassroots Manager
Megan Word
Nebraska Government Relations Director
Michael DuPré
Associate Director, Regional Media Advocacy

Share Your Story

Do you have a personal story about how cancer has impacted you or someone you love? Real stories are how ACS CAN ensures that no one becomes a statistic.