Mayor Coffman Introduces Proclamation Supporting Establishments Going Smoke-free
Beech Grove, IN – Tonight, a proclamation from Mayor Jim Coffman recognized Beech Grove bars and clubs that have elected to go smoke-free.
Statement from American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) Government Relations Director Bryan Hannon
Columbus, OH – “Today, Gov. Mike DeWine signed the state’s two-year operating budget into law, increasing funding to the Ohio Tobacco Use Prevention and Cessation Program (TUPCP) by 20 percent. The budget also maintains funding for the state’s Breast and Cervical Cancer Project (BCCP) and adds e-cigarettes to the state’s Smoke-Free Workplace Act.
“The TUPCP and BCCP programs are essential tools in reducing health disparities in our state. By increasing funding for these programs, the state will be better equipped to fight high tobacco use rates and address COVID-19-related backlogs in cancer screenings.
“ACS CAN thanks the legislature and the governor for prioritizing the fight against cancer and protecting everyone’s right to breathe clean, smoke-free air in this year’s budget.”
About ACS CAN at 20
The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) makes cancer a top priority for policymakers at every level of government. ACS CAN empowers volunteers across the country to make their voices heard to influence evidence-based public policy change that saves lives. We believe everyone should have a fair and just opportunity to prevent, find, treat, and survive cancer. Since 2001, as the American Cancer Society’s nonprofit, nonpartisan advocacy affiliate, ACS CAN has successfully advocated for billions of dollars in cancer research funding, expanded access to quality affordable health care, and made workplaces, including restaurants and bars, smoke-free. As we mark our 20th anniversary, we’re more determined than ever to stand together with our volunteers and save more lives from cancer. Join the fight by visiting