
Cancer Advocates Urge Minnesota’s 7th Congressional District Candidates to Make Fighting Cancer a National Priority

Volunteers Host Virtual Meeting with Rep. Collin Peterson as Part of National Voter Education Program and Invite former Lt. Gov. Michelle Fischbach to Discuss Cancer Issues

October 21, 2020

Eagan, Minn.—Cancer patients, survivors and volunteer advocates from across Minnesota’s 7th Congressional District met virtually Wednesday afternoon with Rep. Collin Peterson to discuss policies and issues that are critical to fighting cancer. The meeting was part of the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) Cancer Votes campaign—the nation’s leading voter education program informing the public and candidates about the actions lawmakers should take to make fighting cancer a national priority. 

Throughout the campaign season, ACS CAN calls on Minnesota’s major 2nd and 7th Congressional Districts candidates to state their position on cancer issues such as cancer research funding and access to health care, including rural cancer care. ACS CAN also issued an invitation to Rep. Peterson’s opponent, former Lt. Gov. Michelle Fischbach, to meet with volunteers. 

“Elected officials have an important role in enacting policies that help our family, friends and neighbors prevent and fight cancer,” said Sharon Erpestad, Windom resident and volunteer for ACS CAN Minnesota. “And unfortunately, where you live plays a major role in whether you survive this disease. Cancer mortality rates remain higher in rural versus urban areas. It’s important for voters to know the candidates’ plans to address these disparities.” 

In total, 8 constituents participated in the open dialogue with Rep. Peterson.

ACS CAN is strictly non-partisan and does not endorse, oppose, or contribute to any candidate or political party. For more information, visit  

ACS CAN Minnesota volunteers meet virtually with Rep. Peterson