
American Cancer Society and American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network Statement on Georgia Voting Law

March 29, 2021

The American Cancer Society and American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) are committed to reducing cancer incidence and deaths nationwide. Fighting cancer is as much a matter of public policy change as it is scientific discovery, and our elected officials are critical to advancing public policy change that will impact the trajectory of this disease.

Cancer patients, survivors, and their families -- like all Americans -- must have equal access to the democratic process in order to engage, educate, and influence public health policies that directly affect their health and wellbeing. Everyone should be counted, and their voices should be heard.

Cancer patients’ engagement and trust in government, critical to reducing the cancer burden, is harmed by any law that erodes access to voting.  The American Cancer Society and ACS CAN will continue to speak out on measures that threaten to weaken cancer patients’ voices to influence their governments in the fight against cancer.

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