Access to Health Care Press Releases
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- August 26, 2009 -- “We are truly saddened by the passing of a giant in the area of health care policy -- our friend, U.S. Senator and recipient of the American Cancer Society’s highest award, Medal of Honor and the National Distinguished Advocacy Award, Edward “Ted” Kennedy.
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- July 31, 2009 -- Cancer patients, survivors and their loved ones are encouraged by the House Energy and Commerce Committee vote today to approve health care reform legislation, a move that ensures that progress toward comprehensive reform will continue.
The deepest recession in decades has caused more than 7 million people to lose their jobs and in many cases their job-based health insurance a worrisome development for any American, but especially for those also grappling with cancer or other serious illnesses.
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- July 31, 2009 -- Senator Christopher J. Dodd of Connecticut announced today that he has been diagnosed with early stage prostate cancer and will undergo treatment during the Congressional August recess. Below are comments from Otis W.
A new report finds that the most popular health insurance plan among federal employees offers adequate and affordable care for people with serious chronic diseases, making it a good starting point for defining minimum coverage benefits in health care reform legislation.
American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) volunteers from all 50 states are on Capitol Hill today to meet with their lawmakers, calling for Action: Now Not Later on comprehensive health care reform.
Today’s vote in the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee to approve health care legislation represents major progress toward the goal shared by millions of families touched by cancer to enact comprehensive health care reform this year.
The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) is ramping up the pressure on Congress with the launch of a Metro station advertising campaign calling for action now, not later, on health care reform.
Families affected by cancer are optimistic that emphasis on prevention as a major theme in the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee markup of comprehensive health care reform legislation is indicative of progress toward transforming our broken “sick care” system into one that focuses on keeping people healthy.
The health care reform legislation that the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee began to review today would extend access to quality care to all Americans by guaranteeing issue of plans to all applicants, eliminating discrimination based on health status or history, capping out-of-pocket costs that patients pay and placing greater emphasis on disease prevention critical components that will benefit families affected by cancer.