Acceso a la atención médica Press Releases
Seventy-two percent of cancer patients and survivors support extending the Affordable Care Act enhanced tax credits, according to the latest Survivor Views survey released today by ACS CAN.
Washington, D.C. – 2 de octubre de 2024 – Hoy, grupos defensores de pacientes que representan a millones de personas con enfermedades graves y afecciones médicas presentaron un informe amicus curiae (amigo de la corte) en el que instaron firmemente al Tribunal Federal del Distrito para la División Occidental del Distrito de Dakota del Norte a que rechace la moción de suspensión y la medida cautelar preliminar en el caso de Kansas v. Estados Unidos.
New York was recognized as the country’s top state advocacy team by the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) in honor of their exceptional work advocating for cancer-fighting public policies.
COLUMBIA, S.C. – Today, GOP leaders, North Carolina legislators Donny Lambeth and Kevin Corbin, joined health advocates along with business and faith leaders to hold a press conference at the South Carolina State House.
MONTGOMERY, Alabama –– With news of the temporary closure of Thomasville Regional Medical Center in Clarke County and fears that closure could be prolonged or permanent, the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network of Alabama renews its call for Gov.
Senator Devlin Robinson received the National Distinguished Advocacy Award this week, the most prestigious award presented by the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN), in recognition of his significant contribution in the fight against cancer.
The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) presented Waianae community member Mckayla McCullah with the Young Leader award this week in recognition of her passionate advocacy and commitment to furthering the fight against cancer.
This award is presented to a state volunteer who has demonstrated an exciting promise in their start with ACS CAN by taking advantage of new opportunities to advocate for cancer patients.
Lt. Governor Dianne Primavera received the National Distinguished Advocacy Award Wednesday morning in Washington, D.C., the most prestigious award presented by the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN), in recognition of her significant contribution in the fight against cancer.