Reducing Health Disparities Press Releases
Local Resident Kathy Ottele Receives Top Volunteer Award for Excellence in Cancer Advocacy
Kathy Ottele of Salem was named the State Lead Ambassador (SLA) of the Year by the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) for her dedicated volunteer and advocacy efforts to help make cancer a national priority. This annual award is presented to a lead ACS CAN volunteer who has demonstrated exemplary leadership while advocating for ACS CAN’s priority areas of cancer-related public policy.
Nationwide Event Honoring Lives Impacted by Cancer Brings Hope Home to Maine
PORTLAND, Maine - This past weekend, communities across Maine honored lives touched by cancer through Lights of Hope Across America, a national fundraiser for the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN).
ACS CAN Leads Conversation to Address Health Disparities and COVID-19 Impact on Cancer Care
COLUMBIA, SC — August 21, 2020 — Alongside shining a bright light on growing health inequities, the COVID-19 pandemic has made it increasingly difficult for cancer patients and survivors to receive the care they need and has led to delays in preventive screenings, diagnostic test
Missouri Voters Increase Access to Medicaid, Saving Lives and Helping to Reduce Future Suffering and Death from Cancer
Missouri voters stood up for public health on Tuesday and passed a ballot measure to increase access to health insurance coverage for more Missourians through the state’s Medicaid program, following on the heels of Oklahomans who made the same move at the end of June.
House Passes FY 2021 Funding Bill With $5.5 Billion Increase for NIH
Today the U.S. House of Representatives voted on an FY 2021 spending bill that includes a $5.5 billion funding increase for the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Half of the increase would be considered emergency funding and the other half would be divided among the various institutes, including a nearly $470 million funding boost for the National Cancer Institute (NCI).
UofSC’s Colorectal Cancer Prevention Network Awarded $3.5 Million by CDC
COLUMBIA, SC – July 21, 2020 – Despite national drops in cancer mortality and incidence rates, colorectal cancer (CRC) remains the second leading cause of cancer death for men and women in South Carolina.
Oklahoma Becomes 37th State to Increase Access to Health Coverage Through Medicaid
Oklahomans approval of Medicaid expansion will improve health outcomes and reduce cancer disparities for 200,000 citizens now eligible for health care coverage.
The Use of Tobacco Coupons and Multi-Pack Discounts to End Tomorrow in New York State
On July 1, 2020 new measues become law that will protect New Yorkers from some strategies of Big Tobacco that attract people to the dangerous addiction.
ACS CAN Voices Concerns on Harmful Provisions in Youth E-cigarette Bill
JACKSON, MS – June 29, 2020 – Senate Bill 2596 has moved quickly through the Legislature in an effort to regulate e-cigarettes.