
Access to Biomarker Testing Press Releases

May 14, 2024

Time for Mills to Bring Precision Medicine to all Mainers

By ensuring more Mainers have biomarker testing covered by their insurance plans, we can increase access to personalized medicine and realize better outcomes for cancer patients as well other disease groups. It's time for Gov. Mills to act to make this a reality.

May 8, 2024

Cancer Advocates Commend Colorado Lawmakers for Positive First Step in Opening Door to Precision Medicine

The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) applauds the Colorado General Assembly for taking a great first step to increasing access to biomarker testing by passing SB24-124. The bill was met with strong bi-partisan support in both the House and Senate. With the legislative process now complete, the bill now awaits the signature of Governor Jared Polis. If enacted, the policy would help connect more patients diagnosed with cancer or other diseases with the right treatment at the right time through biomarker testing. 

May 7, 2024

Advocates Hold Cancer Action Day at Capitol, Urging Lawmakers to Expand Access to Biomarker Testing & Paid Medical Leave, Address Medical Debt

Earlier today, American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) volunteers rallied at the Pennsylvania State Capitol as a part of their annual Cancer Action Day advocating for several legislative proposals that aim to address the needs of patients across the cancer continuum. The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) gives people impacted by cancer a powerful voice with lawmakers by holding an annual Cancer Action Day. 

May 7, 2024

Hawaii Cancer Advocates Celebrate Passage of Biomarker Testing Resolution

Advocates with the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) commend the Hawaii State Legislature for the passage of HCR 53 during the 2024 legislative session. The resolution moves Hawaii one step closer to advancing legislation to expand access to the testing needed to connect cancer patients and those battling other diseases to precision treatments through biomarker testing. 

April 16, 2024

Legislation Introduced to Increase New Jerseyans’ Access to Biomarker Testing, the Key to Precision Medicine

Last week, legislation that seeks to improve New Jerseyans’ access to biomarker testing was introduced in the Legislature. Biomarker testing helps connect cancer patients to the right treatment at the right time, often resulting in improved outcomes and quality of life. In some cases, biomarker testing may provide information that enables patients to forgo ineffective treatments and eliminate the potentially harmful, life-altering side effects of those treatments, which could also result in reduced health care costs.