
New York State Lead Ambassador

Karen ConnorNY SLA Karen Connor

Karen has been with ACS CAN since the Spring of 2019 after relocating back to New York State.  She previously served as a Council member for ACS CAN New England Research Breakfast in Boston, MA.  As a caregiver who lost both her father and mother to cancer and many loved ones she believes in the power of advocacy.  Having spent most of her career in the healthcare and clinical research sector, she also understands the critical role that research plays in the war against cancer.  Karen is happy to be back home with family and friends in Wilson, NY.

What is your proudest accomplishment as an ACS CAN volunteer?

I am especially proud to have joined volunteers from across the US who advocated for the increase in federal funding for the NIH, NCI and CDC in FY2020. The House’s recent passage of the bill prohibiting flavored menthol cigarettes and tobacco products is also significant and a fight that I will relentlessly  support until fully enacted.

What is your favorite memory from your time as an ACS CAN volunteer?

The Leadership Summit in September 2019 was an amazing experience.  Meeting team members from NY and across the country, many who shared their stories of endurance and bravery was inspirational.  I observed how they channel their passion and purpose and commit themselves personally in so many ways to the fight against cancer. The Lights of Hope celebration, which followed, was a moving and heartfelt experience which I will never forget. During those few days I realized that I was part of a formidable movement, volunteers who are engaged in making a difference in the lives of so many people every hour of every day.

Why is being an ACS CAN volunteer important to you?

It’s personal.  Being a part of ACS CAN gives me a purpose to impact the lives of others – survivors, patients, caregivers – those who have no voice;  a voice to influence our elected officials who can change the narrative through their actions, and the power to protect my loved ones and help save lives.      

I feel so fortunate to be part of ACS CAN.  I hope that you will consider “raising your voice” with other volunteers in ACS CAN and sharing a few hours each month to make a difference in the fight against cancer.  


Want to join me in the fight against cancer? Fill out this form to sign up to be an ACS CAN volunteer in New York.