
LETTER: Cancer touches everyone

September 12, 2020

To the editor:

Cancer touches everyone – roughly one out of three Americans will get a cancer diagnosis at some point in their life. As a cancer advocate, I know that many of the important decisions that could help reduce the suffering and deaths caused by this disease are made not by doctors or researchers, but by our elected officials.

Lawmakers have the power to enact policies that help people prevent and treat cancer. This legislative session, our representatives and senators approved two new laws that will help ensure all Minnesotans – no matter their income, race or where they live – have access to the care they need to fight and survive cancer.

Throughout this campaign season, volunteers for the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network

(ACS CAN) like me plan to educate the public and candidates about cancer issues and the candidates’ positions on those issues.

Join our efforts by visiting and learn about the steps elected officials can take on the road to defeat cancer.

Lois Conn

Oak Park Heights

Published in the Stillwater Gazette: