Medicaid Stories



Elias's Story

Medicaid Covers US

Medicaid is a vital health insurance program for America’s families. It allows children to reach their fullest potential, adults to get and stay healthy enough to work and be part of their community, and seniors and people with disabilities to get the care that can help them stay at home. Medicaid can be life-changing and lifesaving.

Meet some of the Americans for whom Medicaid has made a huge difference, as well as people who could benefit but are currently unable to gain access to coverage from Medicaid.

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A longtime resident of Rapid City, South Dakota, Scott was working full-time at a local store when he hurt his back loading goods into a customer’s car. His doctor limited his work hours while he recovered, but after a few months of part-time work, he lost access to his insurance benefits

A mother of two children in Black Hawk, South Dakota, Sarah was unable to afford the high premium for her employer-sponsored health insurance so she had to go without coverage for herself. A few months after declining coverage, she started having health issues that led to a diabetes diagnosis and ongoing treatment for a painful skin lesion.

Too many South Dakotans go without health care as families struggle to afford medical bills while the cost of food and housing rise. This short documentary explores how Medicaid would be a lifeline for residents caught in the health coverage gap and what voters can do to help.

Faith leaders from Mississippi come together to address how the working poor continue to fall into the health care coverage gap until Medicaid is expanded in their state.

Hear Shane Spees, the CEO of Northern Mississippi Hospital Systems, Lauren Thompson, a social worker at the Cancer Center, and Tim Floyd, a cancer patient, talk about the importance of making sure more people have access to care in Mississippi.

Angel is the CEO of Coastal Family Health Center located in Biloxi, MS. Angel understands firsthand how important having access to Medicaid is and knows that expanding access to Medicaid will benefit those her community health center serves.

Susan is unable to access the care she needs because she doesn’t have access to health insurance and does not qualify for Medicaid. If Mississippi were to expand Medicaid, Susan would be able to receive the treatment she needs.

Terrence is the Chief Executive Officer of the Community Health Center Association of Mississippi in Jackson, MS. He sees Medicaid expansion as a way to help his community health center grow to serve more needs of the community his community health center serves.

Reverend Jason Coker is the President of Together for Hope, a multi-state coalition that fights to address poverty in communities with persistent rural poverty, including the Mississippi Delta. He advocates for Medicaid expansion which will provide access to care for the working poor throughout the Delta and in other rural areas.

Medicaid Covers US

Visit our campaign home page to learn more about who is covered by Medicaid, why Medicaid is so important to our friends, neighbors, and community, and how to get involved.