Medicaid Covers US: Florida


Medicaid Covers US in Florida

Medicaid Covers US is our campaign to promote Medicaid as one part of the solution to achieve health equity in the US. Health coverage is something we all need, and we all deserve. It’s time to close the gap.

About 790,000 Floridians are living without health insurance simply because our leaders have refused to expand Medicaid. These folks are in the “Coverage Gap,” living sicker and dying younger than those with health insurance. The majority of people living in that gap are people of color, left behind because leaders in those states are putting politics ahead of people. Medicaid Covers US is our campaign to promote Medicaid as one part of the solution to achieve health equity in the US. Health coverage is something we all need, and we all deserve. It’s time to close the gap.

Please sign our petition to expand Medicaid in Florida


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El final del proceso de renovación automática de Medicaid ha dejado a millones de personas sin acceso a cobertura de atención médica asequible y a muchos más en riesgo de perderla. La situación es aún peor para quienes viven en los 10 estados que aún no han expandido Medicaid.

The end of automatic Medicaid renewals has left millions without access to affordable health care coverage and many more at risk of losing theirs. The situation is even worse for those living in the 10 states that still haven’t expanded Medicaid.

Gail was in remission from her second occurrence of cancer when she lost Medicaid health insurance. For months, Gail was unable to get the medication she needed to keep her cancer at bay, and when her coverage was finally reinstated, her cancer had come back.