Medi-Cal Promise Campaign FAQ


Frequently Asked Questions


What is the Medi-Cal Promise?

This campaign is about educating voters and candidates about Medi-Cal and asking candidates to stand up and promise to protect the already vulnerable Medi-Cal population which is at a greater risk for cancer.   We are asking every candidate running for the U.S. House of Representatives the same question:

Will you commit to opposing any legislation that the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) determines will result in loss of coverage for the Medi-Cal population?


Why did ACS CAN launch this campaign?

The biggest determining factor whether someone lives or dies from the disease after a cancer diagnosis is whether or not they have health insurance.  In fact, studies have shown that after a cancer diagnosis, those without insurance are 60 percent more likely to die from the disease than those with insurance. 

Throughout 2017 and 2018, ACS CAN vigorously opposed proposals that would have devastated Medicaid (or Medi-Cal in California).  In this campaign season, we are asking candidates who either already voted or will vote on proposals detrimental to Medi-Cal to let Californians know where they stand on protecting health coverage for our most vulnerable. 


What is Medi-Cal and how many Californians relay on it?

Medi-Cal is a critical component of our health care system as it provides coverage for low-income Californians most in need including children, pregnant women, seniors, people with disabilities and women screened and diagnosed with breast or cervical cancer through the state’s Every Woman Counts program.  More than 13 million Californians rely on Medi-Cal for health coverage.  


Who is being asked to make the Medi-Cal promise?

This is a California specific campaign where all 103 candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives are being asked the same question:

Will you commit to opposing any legislation that the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) shows will result in loss of coverage for the Medi-Cal population?


How will the information be shared?

When a candidate signs up, we will share that information through our website, social media and a sustained traditional media campaign.  We will also be sharing the information with our members and volunteers  and asking them to share with their friends and neighbors. 


How is Medi-Cal related to cancer?

The benefits and services provided through Medi-Cal are critical in preventing cancer and catching the disease early, before it advances and rates of survivorship decrease. Medi-Cal coverage spans the cancer continuum – from prevention and early detection to diagnostic and treatment services through cancer survivorship or end-of-life care, all of which are important in the fight against cancer.  The care provided to low-income Californians includes comprehensive tobacco cessation services and cancer screenings and treatments including Pap tests, mammograms, radiation and chemotherapy.  It also includes second opinions after a cancer diagnosis to ensure the correct course of therapy and cover experimental treatments and clinical trials.

Your Support CAN fight Cancer