Cancer Action Events



August 28, 2024
Salem, OR

Join volunteers, activists, survivors and caregivers from across the state to honor those who have been affected by cancer. Donate here if you wish to honor you loved ones at our Oregon Lights of Hope Display.

September 10, 2024MST
Salt Lake CIty, UT

The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACSCAN) will host its annual Utah Cancer Summit on September 10, 2024. This event will bring together key leaders and decisionmakers in health care, the community, government, research, and academia to discuss the burden of tobacco in Utah and potential policy solutions aimed...

September 10, 2024MST
Phoenix, AZ

Join volunteers, activists, survivors and caregivers from across the state at the second annual Arizona Lights of Hope Display from 5:45-7 PM MST. Lights of Hope Display viewing will begin from 5:45-6 PM at the "Healing Garden" at Dignity Health Cancer Institute at St. Joseph's - located on the Phoenix...

September 27, 2024EST
Norfolk, VA

Please join the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network for the 2024 Palliative Care Policy Forum & Breakfast on Friday, September 27th from 7:30AM to 9:00AM EST at the Eastern Virginia Medical School. This year's policy forum will showcase best practices in palliative care from a cancer perspective.

October 2, 2024EST
Warwick, RI

The 11th Annual Rhode Island Research Breakfast will bring together key leaders and decision makers in government, research, and academia to discuss the state of cancer research and innovation happening in Rhode Island.

October 10, 2024PST
Portland, OR

American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN), the advocacy affiliate of the American Cancer Society will host their annual policy forum, a premier event that brings together leaders from the business, education, government, and research communities. This year we will focus our conversation on access and insurance coverage of biomarker testing in Oregon.

Organize a Fundraising Event

You choose the theme and place. We'll provide the easy-to-use technology that allows you to create your own highly engaging personal fundraising webpage and invite your friends and family. And don't forget to ask us for some great ACS CAN swag.