Cancer CANdor Blog
ACS CAN President Lisa Lacasse shares her views on the impact of advocacy on the cancer fight.
NCAA Basketball Coaches Share Cancer Stories on Capitol Hill
Today, I had the honor of joining the stage four NCAA basketball coaches as they shared their personal stories in front of hundreds of volunteers eager to make their voices heard on Capitol Hill. It was all part of the Coaches sendoff rally during ACS CAN’s Leadership Summit and Lobby Day.
I was joined by Coach John Gallagher from the University of Hartford, Coach Jeff Jones from Old Dominion University, Coach Jack Murphy from Northern Arizona University, and Coach Josh Pastner from Georgia Tech University. The coaches are members of Coaches vs. Cancer®, a nationwide collaboration between the American Cancer Society and the National Association of Basketball Coaches.
During the rally, the coaches shared their personal connections to cancer and talked about how they’re making an impact in the fight against the disease in their communities.
"Cancer is something that has impacted each and every one of our lives many times over, and it’s crucial that we make sure our representatives hear our stories and do everything in their power to fight this terrible disease. I’m happy to play even a small part and to represent our University, the city of Hartford and the state of Connecticut in helping fund the fight against cancer." – Coach Gallagher
“As a cancer survivor, this is very personal to me. There are too many people in my life who have been affected by this disease. By lending support to Coaches vs. Cancer, the American Cancer Society and ACS CAN, I’m very hopeful that together we will find a cure.” – Coach Jones
“It was important to me to join with Coaches vs. Cancer in this fight because cancer impacts everyone and can come at any age. We must unite together to battle against cancer, raising awareness for continued research and support, so that we can ultimately win the fight.” – Coach Murphy
“Everyone has a personal story about how cancer has impacted them and their family. My grandparents were cancer victims. I’m proud to be associated with Coaches vs. Cancer® and always want to help their efforts wherever I can. Federal government funding is very important toward ending this disease.” – Coach Pastner
After the rally, the coaches joined volunteers from their states in legislative meetings on Capitol Hill to urge Congress to make the fight against cancer a top national priority.
On behalf of all of us at ACS CAN, I want to thank Coach Gallagher, Coach Jones, Coach Murphy and Coach Pastner for taking time out of their busy schedules and making the trip to Washington, D.C. It’s not always easy for them to step away from their head coaching duties, but we’re so glad they did.
Best of luck in this upcoming season!