
ACS CAN Releases Cancer Fighting Priorities for 2019 for New York

Approximately 110,000 New Yorkers are diagnosed with cancer each year

Victory in the fight against cancer requires bold new public policies that promote cancer prevention, early detection of cancer, and expand access to quality, affordable health care.

Cancer Screenings Save Lives

All New Yorkers deserve to have access to a screening that could save their lives. The New York State Cancer Services Program provides uninsured and underinsured New Yorkers with access to mammograms and cervical cancer and colorectal cancer screenings. 


  • Restore $25.3 million for evidence-based Cancer Services.

Help New Yorkers beat the Tobacco Addiction

Tobacco is a deadly addiction.  Despite New York’s success in decreasing overall smoking rates, smoking kills 28,200 New York State residents each year.


  • Increase funding for the NYS Tobacco Control Program to $52 million.
  • Increase the age for sale of tobacco products to 21.
  • Restrict the sale of flavored tobacco products.
  • Eliminate the use Tobacco coupons/discounts that undermine current state taxes.
  • Increase the tax on other tobacco products to provide parity with cigarettes.
  • Support policies to reduce tobacco retail and density including proximity to schools and pharmacies.
  • Ensure counseling services provided by the NYS Quitline are reimbursed by Medicaid.

Healthy Eating and Active Living

Obesity, physical inactivity, and poor nutrition are major risk factors for cancer, second only to tobacco use. In New York, 8.9 million adults are considered overweight or obese, along with one-third of children across the state.


  • Improve access to healthy foods in underserved communities across the state.  
  • Support policies to promote physical activity and walkable communities.
  • Support policies to promote physical education in schools including compliance with current regulations.
  • Support policies to protect school nutrition guidelines.
  • Support policies to promote healthy eating in restaurants.


Access to Treatment and Care  Cancer is often a very expensive and complicated condition to treat, requiring a team of medical professionals working together to help a patient.  Access to appropriate medication, treatment and support services is essential for treatment and prevention.

  • Recommendations:

  • Increase HPV vaccination rates by providing funding for HPV provider education and community outreach.
  • Improving access to Palliative Care Services for cancer patients
  • Ensure patient access to medications is not hindered by movement of medications to a higher cost tier in the formulary during a plan year.
  • Allow patients on multiple prescription medications to “synchronize” the date on which they get each prescription filled.


Childhood Cancer

Approximately 1000 children across the state are diagnosed with a type of cancer each year. For these children and their families, research provides hope for cures and improving their lives, yet the state does not have funding dedicated specifically for childhood cancer research.


  • Provide dedicated funding for childhood cancer research and treatment efforts across the state, including appropriate resources to allow the state to administer and effectively utilize such funds.


    For more information, contact:


Julie Hart, New York Government Relations Director, ACS CAN  

[email protected]   
