2024 Cancer Promise


What is the Cancer Promise?

The Cancer Promise is part of the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network’s (ACS CAN) Cancer Votes program, providing candidates for federal office an opportunity to get on the record supporting ACS CAN’s cancer priorities. Candidates who sign the Cancer Promise pledge to support evidence-based public policy solutions to end cancer as we know it, for everyone, by accelerating cures, improving access to care, and ensuring access to cancer prevention and early detection services, including tobacco control. 

See the current list of candidates who have signed the Cancer Promise.

The Cancer Promise

I recognize the critical role that elected officials play in leading public policy changes that are vital to the fight against cancer. As such, I promise to help advance policies and legislation supported by ACS CAN that work to end cancer as we know it, for everyone, by accelerating cures, improving access to care, and ensuring access to cancer prevention and early detection services, including tobacco control.

If elected, I pledge to:

  • Support sustainable annual increases in cancer research funding for the National Institutes of Health and the National Cancer Institute.
  • Protect existing laws and support legislation to expand health care options that help patients access quality, affordable health care.
  • Support legislation to ensure access to cancer prevention services, including tobacco control and access to lifesaving cancer screenings.

Is ACS CAN endorsing candidates? 

Cancer is nonpartisan, and so is our Cancer Votes program. ACS CAN does not endorse or oppose candidates, nor contribute to campaigns. The Cancer Promise is not an endorsement of any candidate but simply a public record of where candidates stand on ACS CAN’s cancer fighting priorities that is shared with our hundreds of thousands of volunteers, cancer voters, and the public. ACS CAN invites all candidates seeking federal office to sign the Cancer Promise.