
2024 California Legislative Priorities

Victory in the fight against cancer requires bold public policy solutions that promote cancer prevention, increase early detection of cancer, expand access to quality, affordable health care, reduce disparities and advance health equity. Lawmakers make many decisions that impact the lives of Californians touched by cancer and their leadership is vital to defeating this disease. In 2024, the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) will work with the California Legislature in support of the following priorities:


California Cancer Registry

ACS CAN will work to protect funding for the California Cancer Registry which provides critical information for health researchers who utilize the data to address geographical and demographic factors that affect cancer risk, detection, and effective treatment.


Tobacco Control

ACS CAN will fight to protect and expand California’s pioneering tobacco control policies by working to better enforce state and local laws restricting the sale of flavored tobacco, protect funding for tobacco control, oppose efforts to weaken state smokefree laws and improve access to tobacco cessation.

Access to Quality Health Care

Every Woman Counts

ACS CAN will work to further close the gaps on cancer care by increasing access to vital programs like Every Woman Counts and the Breast and Cervical Cancer Program.

Prescription Drug Copay Assistance and Accumulator Adjustment

ACS CAN will work to ensure that patients have access to affordable medications by supporting legislation that protect patient copay assistance programs.

Affordable Care Act

ACS CAN will continue to support the stability and support necessary efforts to preserve its provisions to ensure Californians have access to affordable health care.

Medi-Cal Coverage

ACS CAN will defend funding, benefits, and eligibility for the Medi-Cal program that provides access to cancer care for the state’s low-income population.