Increased Access to Medicaid


Where you live should not determine whether you live. But, for millions of low-income Americans, the state they live in could determine if they have access to health services, including cancer care. To date, 40 states and the District of Columbia have increased access to their Medicaid programs, providing over 21 million individuals and families access to health care coverage and to lifesaving tests like mammograms, colonoscopies and other cancer screenings.

We are working in the remaining 10 states to reach the day when everyone has access to affordable health care. Going to the doctor is much cheaper than going to the emergency room. And, for a family, preventing cancer is much less expensive than treating it. 

We know how to save lives from cancer.  And we know how to save money on health care costs. Ensuring that low-income working families have access to affordable health insurance – especially during tough times – is an important first step.  


40 states have increased access to health care through Medicaid, helping provide twelve million Americans with access to lifesaving cancer care.

Latest Updates

July 18, 2024
South Carolina

Newly released analysis forecasts significant economic growth within the first three years of Medicaid expansion

May 1, 2024

Statement from American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) Kansas Government Relations Director, Megan Word TOPEKA, Kan. – “As lawmakers close the legislative session, they have once again failed to expand KanCare, a policy that is overwhelmingly popular. For the 150,000 low-income Kansas adults and families in the

April 30, 2024
Mississippi, National

The following is a statement from the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN), the American Heart Association, the American Lung Association and the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society® (LLS) in reaction to the Mississippi conference report released late Monday night that creates barriers through work requirements for people who need health insurance.

April 11, 2024

The 2024 Idaho Legislature session ended this week and served as strong reminder of the success and popularity of Medicaid Expansion and the many benefits it provides to state residents and the growing confidence they have in the program.

Increased Access to Medicaid Resources

ACS CAN opposes per capita caps, block grants, and other capped funding structures for the Medicaid program, as they endanger access to care.

ACS CAN submitted comments strongly supporting several policy changes that will make it easier to apply for, enroll in, and maintain enrollment in Medicaid and CHIP.

ACS CAN submitted comments to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services regarding its 2022 Request for Information on Access to Coverage and Care in Medicaid & CHIP. Our comments address suggested improvements in Medicaid enrollment and eligibility determination, transitions of coverage, national standards for access to care, and the eventual end of the public health emergency and continuous coverage provisions.