
Cancer won’t stop. And neither will we.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, many cancer patients are facing tremendous challenges accessing the care they need to fight their cancer. From delayed treatment to losing their job and health insurance, the potential struggle for cancer patients has never been greater.

ACS CAN is working to add critical patient provisions to the coronavirus stimulus packages being debated in Congress as well as working at the state and local levels to expand access to important health services and coverage.

Latest Updates

February 3, 2022

Twenty patient and caregiver advocacy groups have signed a letter to the president calling for reinstatement of emergency paid sick and family leave time in a possible COVID supplemental relief package.

January 10, 2022

Augusta, ME – T omorrow, the Health and Human Services Committee of the Maine legislature will hold a public hearing on LD 867 “An Act To Prohibit Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations for 5 Years To Allow for Safety Testing and Investigations into Reproductive Harm”. The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network

January 5, 2022

Madison, Wis. — Jan. 5, 2022— Assembly Bill 675, which is set to be heard today in the Assembly Committee on Constitution and Ethics, would undermine vaccine requirements. With record numbers of COVID-19 cases sweeping across the country, lawmakers should do all they can to protect their constituents by

December 20, 2021
New Hampshire

Concord, NH – In the coming weeks, the New Hampshire Legislature will convene for the 2022 session and consider legislation that would undermine vaccine requirements. The below statement is on behalf of Mike Rollo, New Hampshire director of Government Relations for the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS

COVID-19 Resources

Note: This is not a full summary of the three packages, but rather highlights of provisions most relevant to our cancer mission.
