Access to Health Care


Every American deserves access to quality, affordable health care. From cancer screenings like mammograms and colonoscopies to the latest breakthroughs in treatment, everyone should have access to the care that could prevent cancer and save their life.  In addition, ensuring that low-income working families have access to affordable health insurance is proven to reduce overall health care costs. 

We are working in every state and in Congress to expand health care options and protect existing laws that help patients get true access to the care they need. 

People without health insurance are more likely to be diagnosed with cancer at a late stage, when the disease is harder to treat, more costly and more difficult to survive.

Take Action

Photo of Cancer Survivor

Urge your Senators to help save lives from breast and cervical cancer

Send a message to your senators right now urging them to cosponsor this bill that will help save lives from breast and cervical cancer.

Latest Updates

July 25, 2024

The U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate introduced the Health Equity and Accountability Act (HEAA) of 2024, which provides a comprehensive set of strategic policy solutions designed to enhance the health and well-being of underserved and marginalized communities.

July 22, 2024
New Jersey

This afternoon, Governor Murphy signed the Louisa Carmen Medical Debt Relief Act (A3861) into law, securing a major victory for patients and families across New Jersey.

July 15, 2024

The Pennsylvania Legislature passed and Governor Shapiro certified the 2024-25 budget—the contents of which reflect a step in the right direction in the effort to end cancer as we know it for everyone.

July 1, 2024
North Carolina

Earlier today, Governor Cooper and the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services announced that the state plans to relieve as much as $4 billion in medical debt for an estimated two million North Carolinians. The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) joins patient advocates and public health organizations across the state in applauding this investment in North Carolina, its people and their health.

Access to Health Care Resources

The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) provided the following statement for the record at the House Energy & Commerce Oversight Hearing on Examining the Root Causes of Drug Shortages: Challenges in Pharmaceutical Drug Supply Chains on May 11, 2023.

ACS CAN strongly opposes any attempt by the federal government or states to condition Medicaid coverage on work or community engagement.

ACS CAN opposes per capita caps, block grants, and other capped funding structures for the Medicaid program, as they endanger access to care.