The Use of Tobacco Coupons and Multi-Pack Discounts to End Tomorrow in New York State
On July 1, 2020 new measues become law that will protect New Yorkers from some strategies of Big Tobacco that attract people to the dangerous addiction.
On July 1, 2020 new measues become law that will protect New Yorkers from some strategies of Big Tobacco that attract people to the dangerous addiction.
A new survey shows that cancer patients are being impacted by COVID-19.
On the day before New York State's flavored e-cigerette law takes affect, public health and social justice organizations ask for the sale of all menthol tobacco roducts to also be prohibited.
Hundreds of cancer survivors and advocates are participating in a virtual Day at the Capitol to ask lawmakers to preserve funding for lifesaving screenings.
ACS CAN joined with 30 other organizations to ask Governor Cuomo to support funding for life saving and health protecting programs in New York State.
The New York State Legislature has ageed to a budget that addresses tobacco use. ACS CAN Senior New York Government Relations Director Julie Hart commented.
In his budget address, Governor Cuomo has called for restricting the sale of flavored e-cigarettes. ACS CAN is calling for a more comprehensive approach..
A diverse coalition brought the lifesaving message to the Capitol that the sale of all flavors of all tobacco must be prohibited.
Governor Cuomo has announced during his State of the State address that he supports legislation to restrict the sale of flavored e-cigarettes. ACS CAN Senior New York Government Relations Director Julie Hart reacted by saying we must address all flavored tobacco products.
The New York State Department of Health's Public Health and Health Planning Council renewed the regulation prohibting the sale of flavored e-cigarettes. The regulation does not include menthol. The council is seeking comments on menthol.