Chris Hansen, ACS CAN President

ACS CAN President Lisa Lacasse shares her views on the impact of advocacy on the cancer fight.


Supreme Court Decision a Victory for Cancer Patients

June 28, 2012

To quote John Seffrin, chief executive of the American Cancer Society and ACS CAN, today will go down as one of the most important days in the history of the fight against cancer in this country. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled this morning that the Affordable Care Act is constitutional. In doing so, the Court upheld numerous provisions that are critical to ensuring that people with cancer and other life-threatening chronic diseases can access quality, affordable health care. These include provisions that: Š—

  • Prohibit insurance companies from denying health coverage to people with a pre-existing condition such as cancer Š—
  • Require insurers to provide consumers with easy-to-understand summaries about their coverage Š—
  • Ensure that health plans in the individual market offer essential benefits needed to prevent and treat a serious condition such as cancer 
  • Provide proven preventive services, such as mammograms and colonoscopies, at no cost to patients Š—
  • Establish online marketplaces in every state where patients can easily compare quality health plans and choose the one that is best for them and their families

A lot of the discussion today has focused on the political implications of the Supreme CourtŠ—'s decision. But that is not our concern. Our concern is the welfare of cancer patients and survivors, who can feel secure knowing that they will no longer be denied coverage, charged unaffordable rates for care, or forced to spend their savings to get the treatment they need, just because they live with a preexisting condition. Now that we have this clarity, it is more important than ever for our elected officials to work together in a bipartisan effort to implement this law as strongly as possible for cancer patients, survivors and their families. ACS CAN will be hard at work in each state to ensure that the law provides every cancer patient and survivor with access to the health care they need.   *Image retrieved from: