Ambassador Action Center: Points by Activity




Category #1: Impact Your Lawmaker (Goal: 350 points)

Office meeting with a lawmaker (or lawmaker's staff) or Cancer Votes target candidate 50
Office drop-by


Personal letter


Seasonal card 10
Personal phone call 20
Personal email 10
Tag lawmaker on social media (up to twice per month unless pre-approved by staff partner) 1
Attend town hall or other meeting where lawmaker is present or Cancer Votes target candidate is present 30
Collect 50 petitions in a current campaign 15
Forward online petitions or alerts to 10 contacts 5
Participate in canvassing, phone banking, or collecting signatures for a state campaign 50
Testify at city council, state house, or federal hearing 50
Host a lawmaker at an ACS / ACS CAN event 40
Secure a new co-sponsor on a state or federal bill 50
Conduct a power analysis of a state or federal lawmaker 40
Category #2: Build or Connect with Your Team (Goal: 250 points)
Recruit a new Legislative Ambassador   30
Recruit 3-5 people to attend a state lobby day, ACS CAN rally, or represent ACS CAN at Relay or Strides 20
Attend volunteer meeting for your congressional district, your state, or at the national level 10
Attend one online or state volunteer training 25
Attend SLA Summit or LS&LD 40
Host or participate in the planning committee for one ACS CAN event (house party, policy forum, Cancer Action Day, speaker series, etc.) 20
Build our volunteer capacity by tabling at an event, helping with data entry or other office work, or setting up at an event 15
Category #3: Get Media Coverage (Goal: 50 points)
Be quoted in a media story or speak during a press conference  30
Send a letter-to-the-editor to support an ACS CAN campaign or event 20
Post your published letter to the editor tagging only your lawmaker or target (one-time only) 5
Send a hard copy of your published letter to the editor to target lawmaker 10
Share your cancer story with state story bank and/or ACS CAN's national story bank 15
Join ACS CAN's social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) 1
Share ACS CAN content (repost/retweet) on your personal social media account 1
Lawmaker or Cancer Votes target candidate reposts/retweets your message or replies to message publicly 5
Contact media to promote an ACS CAN event or fundraiser 10
Category #4: Connect with Partners (Goal: 100 points)
Attend Relay For Life meetings such as team captain, kick-off event, etc. to
promote ACS CAN membership recruitment or attend the event to help implement ACS CAN's Power of the Purse campaign effort
Attend a Making Strides Against Breast Cancer kick-off to promote ACS CAN membership recruitment or attend the event to help implement ACS CAN's Power of the Purse campaign effort 20
Represent ACS CAN at other ACS events including board meetings, volunteer leadership committee meetings, golf outings, etc.  20
Represent ACS CAN at cancer-related or community events to promote ACS CAN membership or current legislative campaigns 20
Represent ACS CAN at non cancer related or community events to promote ACS CAN membership or current legislative campaigns 20
Make an ACS CAN sponsorship ask 10
Category #5: CAN Raising (Goal: 250 points)
Each $50 Milestone in CANRaiser 50