Congress: Our nation's workers need Paid Family and Medical Leave

No one should have to choose between their health and their financial stability. Yet, a huge percentage of our country’s workers cannot afford to take time away from their job to care for themselves or a loved one suffering from cancer, Alzheimer’s, COVID or other chronic diseases.

The facts are clear:

  • Only 23% of private-sector workers have paid family leave through their job, leaving more than 88 million workers without this important benefit.
  • People of color, low-wage workers and single parents are disproportionately excluded from receiving a paid leave benefit.
  • The lack of a consistent paid leave benefit forces patients and caregivers to choose between treating their illness or caring for a loved one, and earning money to pay their bills.

We’re calling on Congress to support our nation’s workers and include a Paid Family and Medical Leave program in the reconciliation package.