
Ohio Press Releases

24 de Enero de 2024

Ohio Lawmakers Turn Their Backs on Ohio Kids

The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) condemns the state legislature for overriding Gov. Mike DeWine’s veto that protected local control of policies to protect kids from Big Tobacco.

13 de Diciembre de 2023

Ohio House Turns Its Back on Ohio Kids

The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) condemns the House for not standing up for the health of Ohioans and putting our children at greater risk of becoming Big Tobacco’s next customers. Instead of offering solutions to address the health of our residents, lawmakers have now limited what local governments can do to prevent people from starting to use tobacco and help people quit. 

4 de Julio de 2023

Gov. DeWine Puts Ohio Kids Over Big Tobacco

Gov. Mike DeWine vetoed language from the state’s operating budget bill which would have removed control from local governments. The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network commends the Governor for standing up for Ohio’s youth and keeping local government rights to pass laws stronger than the state law, which is proven to promote good health and well-being.