Nueva York Press Releases
ALBANY, NY – Antes de que la Legislatura del Estado de Nueva York suspenda la sesión del año, la Red de Acción Contra el Cáncer de la Sociedad Americana Contra el Cáncer (ACS CAN) está pidiendo a los legisladores que actúen sobre dos leyes que ayudarán a salvar vidas y brindarán
ALBANY, NY – El Senado del Estado de Nueva York aprobó un proyecto de ley (S.4807A) que permitiría a los farmacéuticos administrar las vacunas recomendadas por los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades.
ACS CAN applauds the New York State Senate for passing legislation that will help New Yorkers pay for treatment of life-threatening illnesses. Asks Assembly to also pass measure.
ACS CAN was joined by other health and social justice groups to ask lawmakers to allow pharmacists to administer all vaccines approved by CDC.
ACS CAN has kicked off NYC Week of Action by delivering letters to Mayor de Blasio and Speaker Johnson asking for support for tobacco control as well as early detection and preveention.
ACS CAN has launched a NYC Week of Action. It was kicked off by delivering letters to Mayor de Blasio and Speaker Johnson askng for support for tobacco control programs as well as well as early detection and prevention.
A coalition of health advocacy groups in New York City applauded today’s announcement from the Biden Administration and issued the following statement urging the New York City Council to follow suit and pass Intro 1345 to end the sale of menthol cigarettes in New York City.
As budget negotiations continue, ACS CAN asks for restoration of fundng for the tobacco control program.
ACS CAN and several other organizations have sent a letter to the New York State Senate Leadership asking for an increase in the tobacco tax.
Several organizations have joined with ACS CAN on a letter to ask Assembly Leadership for support of a tobacco tax increase.