
Healthy Eating and Active Living Press Releases

2 de Febrero de 2022

La Casa Blanca destaca a nivel nacional la lucha contra el cáncer al reactivar Misión contra el Cáncer (Cancer Moonshot)

El Presidente anunció esta mañana que está 'reactivando' su compromiso de 'poner fin al cáncer tal como lo conocemos', basándose en la elevada y sólida inversión inicial en la Iniciativa Nacional Misión contra el Cáncer (Cancer Moonshot) enfocada en descubrimiento, priorizando una mayor adopción de la prevención y abordando las inequidades de salud.

7 de Noviembre de 2018

Washington Voters Pass Big Soda-Funded Initiative 1634

OLYMPIA, Wash.—Washington voters passed Initiative 1634, which removes local control and eliminates the ability for local governments to pass sugary drink taxes to benefit their communities. The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network opposed this initiative.

9 de Agosto de 2018

New Report Shows State Lawmakers Can Do More to Prevent, Reduce Cancer

State lawmakers across the country are missing important opportunities to pass and implement proven legislative solutions to prevent and fight cancer, according to a report released today by the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN). How Do You Measure Up?: A Progress Report on State Legislative Activity to Reduce Cancer Incidence and Mortality grades states on the strength of evidence-based policies that help to prevent cancer, which kills roughly 1,670 people a day nationwide, forces patients to pay nearly $4 billion in out-of-pocket expenses every year and in 2015 cost the country more than $80 billion in direct medical expenditures.