
Cáncer de mama y de cuello uterino Press Releases

3 de Octubre de 2019

Metastatic Breast Cancer Action Day in Tennessee is October 13

Nashville, TN – Metastatic breast cancer, also known as advanced stage or stage IV breast cancer, affects thousands of families across Tennessee. This stage of breast cancer occurs when cancer spreads beyond the breast to other parts of the body, including the bones, lungs, liver and brain.

28 de Febrero de 2019

ACS CAN Applauds Gov. Evers’ Commitment to Reducing Burden of Cancer in Wisconsin

Today, Gov. Tony Evers released his budget plan, which included funding for tobacco prevention and the state’s Well Woman program for breast and cervical cancer screenings, as well as a tax on e-cigarettes. He also announced his commitment to increasing access to Wisconsin’s Medicaid program. In response, Sara Sahli, Wisconsin government relations director for the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, released the following statement: