Chris Hansen, ACS CAN President

ACS CAN President Lisa Lacasse shares her views on the impact of advocacy on the cancer fight.


Blog posts tagged "TV"

5 de Diciembre de 2011

Our Work Is Never Over

Our work to protect vital cancer funding is ongoing, as are our efforts in support of strong tobacco control measures, policies that improve access to health care and improve patientsŠ—' quality of life and lifesaving prevention and early detection programs. Now is the time to contact your members of Congress and ask them to make fighting cancer a national priority.

4 de Noviembre de 2011

Take a Sneak Peek at our Second-Ever National TV Ad

I couldnŠ—'t be more excited to share with you ACS CANŠ—'s second-ever national TV ad. YouŠ—'re getting a sneak peak Š—– the ad will officially premiere during Š—“Meet the PressŠ— in the Washington, D.C. market this Sunday, Nov. 6.