Chris Hansen, ACS CAN President

ACS CAN President Lisa Lacasse shares her views on the impact of advocacy on the cancer fight.


Blog posts tagged "Cancer CANdor"

10 de Febrero de 2017

Taking on Cancer in Your State Capitol

Throughout the country, in every state, territory and Washington D.C., ACS CAN staff and volunteers have hit the ground running in 2017, working with local lawmakers to pass and implement public health policies proven to have the highest impact in saving lives from cancer.

16 de Junio de 2016

Guest Post: Living with Chronic Pain after Cancer

ACS CAN and the Alliance to Prevent the Abuse of Medicines joined together on Capitol Hill to address the critical need to preserve patient access to pain medications as policymakers work to adopt legislation to curb opioid abuse.

13 de Mayo de 2016

Nation Takes Critical Steps Forward in Tobacco Regulation

After years of hard work by ACS CAN staff, volunteers, and tobacco control partners, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) finalized its authority to regulate all tobacco products, including electronic cigarettes, cigars, and hookah. This was a significant and necessary step to protect the public health of the nation.

6 de Mayo de 2016

Give the Gift of Screening This Mother's Day

Chris writes about the importance of showing the women in our lives how much we appreciate them by ensuring that all women have access to timely and affordable preventive services. He highlights the need to fight for increased funding for the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program.

22 de Marzo de 2016

What's on the Menu: Policies that Foster Healthy Living

Cancer is a ubiquitous foe, and it can be cruelly indiscriminate. However, there are things a person can do to reduce his or her risk of developing cancer and focusing on healthy eating and active living are among the best. Since March is National Nutrition Month, I want to take this opportunity to share with you some of the important policies ACS CAN supports that help make it easier for children and adults to eat a healthy diet and keep their weight in check.

11 de Marzo de 2016

Guest Post: Addressing Health Disparities Through Patient Navigation

During a presentation to the Society and ACS CAN on the state of health and wellness in the African American community, Dr. Harold P. Freeman, former Society National Board President and founder of the Harold P. Freeman Patient Navigation Institute, shared his thoughts on reducing disparities and the role of patient navigation.

4 de Febrero de 2016

World Cancer Day 2016: We Can

Today is World Cancer Day (WCD), a day when the world again unites in the fight against cancer. Organized by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC), World Cancer Day is saving lives by raising awareness about cancer, and pressing governments and individuals across the world to take action.

11 de Enero de 2016

Investing in Cures

After years of stalled and anemic funding levels for critical cancer research, Congress came together at the end of last year in a major way to pass the biggest funding increases for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and National Cancer Institute (NCI) in more than a decade. Champions, including Rep. Kevin Yoder from Kansas, acknowledged the importance of making cancer a national priority and rallied together to make sure resources were available to advance detection tests, treatments and therapies for a disease that is expected to kill nearly 600,000 people in America this year.