Chris Hansen, ACS CAN President

ACS CAN President Lisa Lacasse shares her views on the impact of advocacy on the cancer fight.


Blog posts tagged "Congress"

13 de Junio de 2012

Chicago Passes City Ordinance Banning Minors from Tanning Beds

The momentum continues! In January, California became the first state in the nation to ban youth under18 from using tanning beds. In May, Vermont passed a similar lifesaving law. Just last week, Chicago became the first major U.S. city to vote to protect young people from skin cancer and melanoma by banning tanning bed use among minors.

15 de Mayo de 2012

Senators Introduce Tobacco Tax Equity Bill

I am pleased to share with you that U.S. Senators Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) and Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) introduced a bill last week that would eliminate disparities in the federal tax rates for various tobacco products, a proposal that will increase federal revenues and save lives.

8 de Mayo de 2012

Meet Me in St. Louis: ACS CANŠ—'s SLA Summit

I recently returned from one of the best events ACS CAN hosts all year Š—– the State Lead Ambassador Summit. With one in every state, State Lead Ambassadors (SLAs) are ACS CANŠ—'s top ranking grassroots volunteers. They coordinate all volunteer-led work across their state.

30 de Abril de 2012

Closing the Chronic Disease Gap in Minority Populations

Earlier this month, as part of National Minority Cancer Awareness Week, ACS CAN co-hosted an important briefing on Capitol Hill to discuss the importance of research and prevention in eliminating inequities among minority populations in prevalence rates of and access to health care for chronic diseases.

29 de Marzo de 2012

Guest Post: Removing Barriers to Colorectal Cancer Screening

Imagine that you dropped your car off at a service station for what you thought was a free oil change. You return an hour later to be informed that while the service was underway a small problem was found and repaired (with no input from you), and you now owe $250. How would you take this news? This is the predicament that a number of people face every day due to an oversight in existing Medicare regulations.

27 de Marzo de 2012

New CDC Ads Encourage People to Quit Smoking

Sometimes we understand things intellectually but not always emotionally. Sometimes reality needs to touch us in a more visceral way to be effective. The CDCŠ—'s new ad campaign, Tips from Former Smokers, features real-life stories of people who have suffered from the harmful effects of smoking. It helps us to understand more fully the real impacts of smoking.

21 de Marzo de 2012

National Nutrition Month

March is National Nutrition Month, and I thought it would be a good opportunity to share some of ACS CANŠ—'s efforts to reduce overweight and obesity, which are proven to cause cancer.

29 de Febrero de 2012

Great Minds Thinking Alike

Yesterday was an incredible day at ACS CAN Š—– we held our first-ever National Forum on the Future of Health Care and it was a huge success! The conference focused on how to ensure that people living with cancer and other chronic diseases have access to quality health care.